IXL Lesson Plan By Stephanie Smith Budhai, Ph.D. published 5 June 24 This IXL lesson plan is designed to help educators implement the digital tool into their instruction
Pi Day Lessons & Activities By Ray Bendici, Diana Restifo published 14 March 24 These Pi Day lessons and activities can help provide infinite learning opportunities.
BetterExplained: How To Use It To Teach By Luke Edwards published 5 March 24 BetterExplained teaches math in a straight-forward way that works.
Here’s What We Should Take Away From PISA Math Score Drop, Says Sal Khan By Erik Ofgang published 11 December 23 The latest PISA results showed U.S. Math scores plummeting but the real story is both more bleak and positive, says Sal Khan.
Holy Sheets! Minds-on Interactive Spreadsheet Adventures By Scott A. Sinex published 26 September 23 Free interactive STEM spreadsheets can get your students started in both simple and complex computations.
What is Desmos and How Can It Be Used for Teaching? Tips & Tricks By Luke Edwards published 31 July 23 Desmos is a math teaching tool that uses graphing to create advanced visuals.
What is Legends of Learning and How Can It Be Used for Teaching? Tips & Tricks By Luke Edwards published 5 July 23 Legends of Learning is a curriculum-aligned math and science games resource for students.
How Statewide Efforts Drive Math Achievement By Erik Ofgang published 6 June 23 South Carolina educators talk about how state resources and technology have helped their math instruction.
Expanded Learning: Solutions for Acceleration, Not Remediation By Erik Ofgang published 6 March 23 The importance of productive failure, instant feedback, and mastery education in math education was discussed during a recent Tech & Learning webinar
What is Zearn and How Can it Be Used to Teach? Tips & Tricks By Luke Edwards published 31 January 23 Zearn is on online video and interaction based math learning system designed for student individuals and groups.
Ways To Reduce Math Anxiety in Students By Erik Ofgang last updated 30 August 22 Jeanette Nicholas, a math teacher at Belle Fourche Middle School in South Dakota, shares strategies for reducing students’ math anxiety
How to Help Students Develop Lifelong Math Skills By Tara Fulton published 19 January 21 To build lifelong math skills, providing equitable access to rigorous, grade-level math content is essential
How to Develop Data Literacy in Elementary-Aged Students By M. Ryan Foster published 22 October 20 By promoting reasoning and sense-making, data literacy can provide a way for a meaningful integration of math and science while developing critical thinking skills
Top Sites and Apps for Math During Remote Learning By David Kapuler published 14 August 20 Sites and apps for math education to help supplement online learning
Over 150 STEM Resources for PBL and Authentic Learning, Part 3: Math By Michael Gorman last updated 2 August 20 Looking for ideas that just might spark a PBL math idea?
Curriculum Associates Updates i-Ready Learning and Assessment Platform By TL Editors published 7 June 20
Accelerate Learning Announces STEMscopes Math By TL Editors published 20 May 20 New digital curriculum aims to create meaningful math experiences for real-world application
How a Technophobe Learned to Embrace Education Technology By Tana Schilling published 5 May 20 Can a teacher who is a technophobe learn to enjoy teaching with technology and even embrace distance learning?
Happy Numbers Guides Learners to Deep Understanding of Math Skills By TL Editors published 9 April 20 This program stands out from the rest with a scaffolded approach that carefully leads the students through lessons.